Medicaid Pre-Auth
All attempts are made to provide the most current information on the Pre-Auth Needed Tool. However, this does NOT guarantee payment. Payment of claims is dependent on eligibility, covered benefits, provider contracts, correct coding and billing practices. For specific details, please refer to the provider manual. If you are uncertain that prior authorization is needed, please submit a request for an accurate response
Vision Services need to be verified by Envolve Vision.
Complex imaging, MRA, MRI, PET, and CT scans need to be verified by Evolent
Musculoskeletal and Cardiac Surgical Services need to be verified by TurningPoint.
Medical Oncology, Hematology, Urology, Surgical Oncology, Neurological Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, and Radiation Oncology will submit their chemotherapy prior authorizations through Evolent (Effective 11/1/23).
Non-participating providers must submit Prior Authorization for all services.
For non-participating providers, Join Our Network.
Are Services being performed in the Emergency Department or Urgent Care Center or Family Planning services billed with a Contraceptive Management diagnosis?
Types of Services | YES | NO |
Is the member being admitted to an inpatient facility? | ||
Are anesthesia services being rendered for pain management? | ||
Are oral surgery services being provided in the office? | ||
Are chiropractic services being rendered after the 4th visit? | ||
Are services being rendered in the home, excluding DME, Medical Equipment Supplies, Orthotics, Prosthetics and sleep studies? |