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What do you want to do? required *
Choose all applicable networks required *

Term a PCP

Practitioner will be termed from all locations associated with this TIN and Group NPI

Move Members to required *

Update Requested By

Term a Specialist

Practitioner will be termed from all locations associated with this TIN and Group NPI

Are members being refererred to a SSHP Specialist required *

If yes, who are they being referred to? 

Update Requested By

Term Multiple PCPs

SSHP Roter Template (Excel)
(Template revised in 12/2024)

Update Requested By

Term Multiple Specialists

SSHP Roster Template (Excel)
(template revised in 09/2024)

Are members being refererred to a SSHP Specialist required *

If yes, who are they being referred to? 

Update Requested By